Bagels & Lox Day

The most-satisfying brunch spread is also the easiest: a DIY buffet of bagels and smoked salmon (aka lox). Don’t forget the cream cheese and some strong coffee!


Steve Jobs Day
Steve Jobs was a world famous businessman, thought leader and visionary. He spearheaded and revolutionised a number of industries, and lead organisations of the like of Apple, Pixar and many other household names.Steve Jobs died on October 5th, 2011, and Steve Jobs Day was established as a celebration of his life and commemoration of his […]
Clean Off Your Desk Day
Clean Off Your Desk Day heralds the beginning of some serious spring cleaning. Do you really need all that junk, old paperwork and mess on your desk? If the answer’s no, take the opportunity to do a little tidying!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
International Book Day
Start reading a book today.
glowing with blue light flying saucer
World UFO Day
World UFO Day is observed annually on July 2nd to raise awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and celebrate the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. The date was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, a pivotal event in UFO lore. On this day, enthusiasts gather worldwide to discuss UFO sightings, share theories, and participate in skywatching events to observe the skies for any unusual aerial phenomena.