Kite Flying Day

Find a sunny, public open place, and join in with Kite Flying Day! Take a picnic to the park and get competitive, seeing who can fly the highest, the fastest, and the most intricately!
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Helicopter Day
Title: Soar to New Heights: Celebrating Helicopter Day on May 30th [block] Helicopter Day is a celebration of one of the most versatile and fascinating inventions of modern times. Join us as we take flight into the history, innovation, and sheer wonder of helicopters. [block] ### The History of Helicopter Day Helicopter Day commemorates the […]
brown bridge on green grass field near mountain
Yorkshire Day
Yorkshire Day, celebrated on August 1, is a special occasion dedicated to honoring the rich cultural heritage and history of Yorkshire. Known for its stunning landscapes, historic towns, and vibrant traditions, Yorkshire holds a unique place in the hearts of its residents and admirers. Celebrate this beloved holiday by exploring Yorkshire's natural beauty, indulging in traditional foods, and participating in local events.
Astronomy Day
It should be called Astronomy Night, have a look up at the stars tonight
Pig in a Blanket Day
Pig In A Blanket Day encourages the consumption of ‘pigs in blankets’ – small pork sausages (or chipolatas) wrapped in bacon or pastry, and cooked until crispy. Chinese and eastern varieties more closely resemble mini sausage rolls.For an alternative approach to celebrating Pig In A Blanket Day, you might consider wrapping your farm animals in […]