
Frozen Food

It if wasn't once frozen, don't bother eating it today

Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day
Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache DayMore Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.americanmustacheinstitute.org/2011/11/have-sex-with-a-guy-with-a-mustache-day/
Another Hamburger Day
Another Hamburger Day is a fun and lighthearted celebration of everyone's favorite comfort food. Whether you prefer yours topped with cheese, lettuce, and tomato or piled high with bacon and barbecue sauce, indulge in a juicy burger and savor every delicious bite.
World Gratitude Day
When : September 21st World Gratitude Day is your opportunity to show your gratitude and appreciation. The United Nations Meditation Group created World Gratitude Day to express appreciation for the great things that individuals and groups do. This recognition is on a global basis. According to their website: 'World Gratitude Day presents an award to […]
Penguin Awareness Day
Are you aware the largest penguin population is located in South Africa? Be aware of penguins and penguin related facts today.