
Cat Herders Day

A day for those of us who feel like we’re tasked with the impossible, Cat Herders Day recognises the frustration of trying to manage the unmanageable. Whether it’s work, home, school or other areas of life, if it feels like herding cats, today’s your day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cat-herders-day/

Corned Beef & Cabbage Day
While a favorite of Irish-Americans, their relatives across the pond debate whether the dish is actually an Emerald Isle tradition. Source: food.com
Create a Vacuum Day
When : Always February 4th Create a Vacuum Day just might leave you in an empty void. We found no factual information or records about this day. So, we can only speculate to its cause.......... Theory #1:  A hard working housewife, frustrated over her vacuuming chores, declared a day to commemorate the chore of vacuuming. […]
World Whale Day
Giants of the ocean are celebrated on World Whale Day, which aims to raise awareness of these magnificent creatures. The annual holiday was founded in Maui, Hawaii, in 1980, to honour humpback whales, which swim off its coast. It’s the main showcase of the Maui Whale Festival.Every year, crowds flock to the island to join […]
World UFO Day
World UFO Day is observed annually on July 2nd to raise awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and celebrate the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. The date was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, a pivotal event in UFO lore. On this day, enthusiasts gather worldwide to discuss UFO sightings, share theories, and participate in skywatching events to observe the skies for any unusual aerial phenomena.