Maple Syrup Day

Pancake Day, let’s face it, is mostly an excuse to have Maple Syrup. So let’s dispense with the charade and get down to it – Maple Syrup Day is the real deal, and a great excuse to consume it by the glassful!

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Iris Day
When: Always on May 8th Iris Day celebrates these beautiful and attractive late spring bloomers. With or without a beard, Iris are very popular among homeowners and gardeners. With a little luck, you have Iris blooming in your flower beds today. Celebrate Iris Day by enjoying these great, easy to grow bloomers. If you don't […]
Waiting for the Barbarians Day
Stand around and await the inevitable today
Reach as High as You Can Day
When : Always April 14th Reach as High as You Can Day is a day to expand your horizons. And, it truely will be an uplifting experience. Today, there are no limits. You can literally reach for the sky. Is there something you've wanted to ""go for"", and felt it was just out of reach? […]
Buttercrunch Day
Buttercrunch lovers, today is your day. It's National Buttercrunch Day. Today you can enjoy buttercrunch ice cream, candy, or anything buttercrunch. Spend the day with one of your favorite snacks. Make it your personal goal to have something with buttercrunch at each meal, and as a snack. Tomorrow, you can return to the diet. Flower of the […]