Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day

Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.americanmustacheinstitute.org/2011/11/have-sex-with-a-guy-with-a-mustache-day/

Blah Blah Blah Day
Sometimes it seems as if everyone is a critic. Are you fed up with your nearest and dearest suggesting you lose weight, give up smoking or paint that ceiling? Or, even if nobody is hounding you, are you all too aware that you’re putting off until tomorrow things that should have been done yesterday?If any […]
Physician’s Assistant Day
When : Always October 6th National Physician's Assistant Day celebrates and recognizes the importance and skills of this career. The highly trained Physician's Assistant is an invaluable aide to physicians and general practitioners.   The profession of Physician's Assistant was created in 1965 by Dr. Eugene Stead at Duke Medical Center. The first physician assistants […]
woman covering face by sunlight
Stay Out of the Sun Day
"Stay Out of the Sun Day" on July 3 serves as an important reminder to prioritize sun safety and protect oneself from the harmful effects of UV radiation. It encourages individuals to adopt preventive measures like wearing sunscreen, seeking shade, and using protective clothing to safeguard their skin from sunburn and potential long-term damage. This day also promotes awareness about skin cancer prevention and the significance of limiting sun exposure, especially during peak hours when UV rays are strongest. It's an opportunity to educate and empower people to make informed choices for their health when enjoying outdoor activities.
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Chocolate Day
Indulge your senses and satisfy your sweet tooth on July 7th as we celebrate Chocolate Day! Join us in savoring the rich and decadent flavors of this beloved treat that brings joy to people of all ages. Whether you prefer dark, milk, or white chocolate, this day is the perfect excuse to treat yourself and spread happiness with every bite. Dive into a world of chocolatey delights and make this Chocolate Day a truly unforgettable experience!