
World Vegan Day

Peach Blossom Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 3 Peach Blossom Day is a day to celebrate peach blossoms, and for girls to celebrate being girls. Does that sound a little confusing or complicated? Read on......... The attributes of peach blossoms include: pretty, delicate, dainty, and sweet smelling. These are all feminine traits. As a matter of […]
Worship of Tools Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 11th There are few things that the male population worships more than his tools. To some, a tool is a natural extension of their arm. So, Worship of Tools Day is a logical day of celebration. And, it's definitely a guy thing. Please note however, there are more than […]
Chocolate Covered Anything Day
We can’t think of anything that can’t be improved by covering it in a generous portion of melted chocolate, chocolate sauce or chocolate sprinkles. Well, maybe a few things, but that’s not the point of Chocolate Covered Anything Day now, is it?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chocolate-covered-anything-day/
Swap Ideas Day
The exact origins of Swap Ideas Day are unknown. However, it is believed that the creator of this day is Robert Birch. This was not his only unusual idea as he is also thought to have invented several other strange celebrations including Lumpy Rug Day, Trivia Day and the bizarrely named Nothing Day.The idea behind […]

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