Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day

Remember when you got your computer, and the tidy, empty desktop looked clean, productive and well-organised? Take a look now – we’re willing to bet that it’s strewn with icons that you barely ever use, that there are documents and files sprawling around folders that are in desperate need of organisation. Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day demands that you put things away, delete things you don’t need, and to put some structure in place to stop things getting quite so messy before the same time next year…

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strudel on a plate
Apple Strudel Day
Apple Strudel Day - June 17 Honoring the delicious and flaky apple strudel! Facts About Apple Strudel Day June 17 is the day to celebrate the beloved apple strudel, a pastry that has captured the hearts and taste buds of many around the world. Apple Strudel Day is dedicated to enjoying and appreciating this traditional […]
Napping Day
Napping Day provides an opportunity to adjust after changes to daylight savings when losing an hour of sleep due to ‘springing forward’. Mid-afternoon naps are an integral part of most cultures, and scientifically proven to be good for you – so here’s to justifying a few hours of well deserved kip!More Details...All details taken directly […]
close up of a baked pie
Pecan Pie Day
Pecan Pie Day on July 12 is a delightful celebration of one of America's favorite desserts. Indulge in the rich, nutty flavors of pecans combined with sweet, gooey filling nestled in a flaky crust. Whether homemade or store-bought, a slice of pecan pie is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Join in the festivities on Pecan Pie Day and treat yourself to a slice (or two) of this classic dessert!
No Homework Day
Here’s one you may wish to hide from your children! Although if they don’t know about it, then there would not be many folks left to celebrate No Homework Day!That’s right, this is the day where children can tell their teachers and parents in complete honesty that they will not be doing their homework, in […]