World Gratitude Day

When : September 21st

World Gratitude Day is your opportunity to show your gratitude and appreciation.

The United Nations Meditation Group created World Gratitude Day to express appreciation for the great things that individuals and groups do. This recognition is on a global basis. According to their website: 'World Gratitude Day presents an award to someone who we feel has done something outstanding in the spirit of Globalism.'

This group also suggests that you find something to be grateful for, and  remember the feeling.

On a smaller scale, seek to give gratitude and appreciation to people in your life who have done good deeds. It could be something as simple as a 'thank you' or a card of thanks to someone. Or, you could offer some type of certificate or plaque of appreciation from a group you belong to, for contributions from individuals inside or outside of your group.

Happy World Gratitude Day!

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