
Put on Your Own Shoes Day

How about putting on your shoes for a change?  Nobody wants to see those bare feet! Just kidding!

We understand  the meaning behind Wear Brown Shoe Day, celebrated just a few days ago.  But, what could possibly cause someone to create  Put on Your Own Shoes Day....hmmmmm. Perhaps, it was created by young mothers teaching their children how to put their shoes on for the first time!?

Well, regardless of what you think of the special day, we celebrate all of the holidays and special days. We are going to put our own shoes on today, and enjoy doing so. As for you....put your stinky toes into your own shoes!

Have a happy Put on Your Own Shoes Day.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/December/yourshoesday.htm

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