Dear Diary Day

Let's face it - many people are overworked, overwhelmed and stressed out. Finding one or two minutes a day to write in a diary or journal may provide that rare moment of peace and quiet in a hectic, busy world.

Whether a diary is a personal record of a special trip, occasion or event or food intake diary, people have been writing journals for centuries. In fact, some journals of the past serve as important historical records today.

If you’ve always wanted to keep a record of your every thought, deepest, darkest secret or the struggles and joys of everyday life, today is the perfect time to start. Keeping a diary or journal is not only fun, but some believe it is therapeutic and beneficial to your health. Besides improving your writing, organizational and problem solving skills, expressing your emotions by writing a daily journal can also reduce stress.

You don’t need to spend an arm-an-a-leg on an expensive diary either. All you need is a pen or pencil and something to write in. You can even write your journal on your personal computer or electronic device. And why not take a stroll down memory lane and re-read those old diaries from days gone by?

Happy Dear Diary Day!

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