
National Johnny Appleseed Day


March 11th, we celebrate National Johnny Appleseed Day.  This is the day that we honor the legend of Johnny Appleseed and his kind, generous and interesting life that we have learned of.
â?John Chapman (September 26, 1774 â?? March 18, 1845) was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, including the northern counties of present day West Virginia.â? (Wikipedia)

Johnny was a settler that followed the movement and traveled west.  As Johnny Appleseed traveled, he planted apple trees along the way.  He would tell stories to the children and spread The New Church gospel to the adults, receiving a floor to sleep on for the night. Johnny Appleseed also had a great love for animals.    Because of his kindness, his generous ways, his leadership in conservation and the symbolic importance he attributed to apples, he became an American legend while he was still alive.

Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated on either March 11th or September 26th.  The September date is Appleseedâ??s acknowledged birthdate. whereas the March date is sometimes preferred because it is during planting season.  There is also some controversy and vagueness concerning the date of Appleseedâ??s death and his burial.
 National Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated in many elementary schools across the country.
Our Research was unable to find the creator of National Johnny Appleseed Day, an â??unofficialâ? national holiday.

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