Oatmeal Day

Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
When : Always November 7th National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day is today. Lucky you....lucky me. Chocolate is a vegetable, made from cocoa beans. Almonds are good for you, as they help to improve your Cholesterol levels. So, bittersweet chocolate with almonds is goo for you, right!? On this special day, we will not question […]
Zero Tasking Day
The extra hour we get when daylight savings times change is often heralded as an opportunity for extra productivity, activity and ‘doing’. However, given that we’re all already ‘owed’ an hour every other time it changes, it seems a little unfair to expect us to work through it – as such, Zero Tasking Day is […]
World Butt Day
March 3rd is now officially Butt Day. To participate, just change your facebook picture to a butt of some kind for the day. We want this to become as big as possible!Why March 3rd? Because 3 is the number that looks the most like a butt.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at https://www.facebook.com/march3rdisbuttday
National Shrimp Day
Observed annually on May 10, it is National Shrimp Day. Americans eat more shrimp than any other seafood, and this is the day to celebrate this delicious seafood. The word “prawn” is used loosely to describe any large shrimp, sometimes known as “jumbo shrimp.” Some countries use the word “prawn” exclusively for all shrimp. Preparing […]