Homemade Soup Day

Soup is a common meal in many countries and probably dates back to the invention of the earliest cooking pots. Today it’s easy to open a can and heat some premade soup, but soup is even better when it’s made at home. Soup is easy, cheap and usually quick to make and can be stuffed full of healthy vegetables. When better to enjoy a delicious bowl of soup than Homemade Soup Day?

The origins of Homemade Soup Day are lost in time but you don’t need to know how it started to celebrate the day. Certain soups are traditional to particular areas, such as Borsht in Eastern Europe or the well-known Italian soup, Minestrone. Unusually, the famous Spanish dish Gazpacho, is generally eaten cold, making it perfect for summer.

The internet is full of recipes for soup so find one you like the sound of and get cooking!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/homemade-soup-day/

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