Inconvenience Yourself Day

You know those days when you just can’t be bothered to get out of bed? Well, Inconvenience Yourself Day is not one of them. So, put on your happy face and go out there and be nice! The concept may have originated from Ms. Julie Thompson and it was meant to serve as an incentive for others to acknowledge their appreciation for acquaintances or strangers and to promote a respectful attitude and an attentive demeanour. We can all celebrate by simply opening a door for an old lady, giving up a seat to a pregnant lady, helping a child cross the street, stopping to ask if a tourist is lost and needs directions, offering to carry a suitcase up the stairs and generally making a small sacrifice. But most of all, we have to reflect on what others need and how we can help. It can make a big difference!

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a close up shot of a cocktail
Daiquiri Day
Daiquiri Day, celebrated on July 19, honors the classic cocktail that has delighted drink enthusiasts for over a century. Originating in Cuba and popularized by figures like Ernest Hemingway, the Daiquiri is a refreshing blend of rum, lime juice, and sugar. This day offers the perfect opportunity to enjoy variations of this iconic drink, from the traditional recipe to fruity frozen versions. Whether hosting a Daiquiri party or simply savoring a glass, Daiquiri Day is a celebration of one of the world's most beloved cocktails.
World Bartender Day
The bartender is everyone’s favourite person on a night out. They will keep you well supplied in beverages â?? probably of an alcoholic variety – at any bar or pub you happen to visit, as long as you have enough money and arenâ??t too drunk to be served!World Bartender Day is the day to appreciate […]
Dumbstruck Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th Dumbstruck Day is a day to be totally dumbstruck over the things you see, hear and read. You may easily be dumbstruck to read that someone created this special day. Some people are dumbstruck on a regular basis, day in and day out. The events in their lives […]
Garden Meditiation Day
Garden Meditation Day provides the perfect opportunity to achieve inner peace while honoring the essential ties between people and the environment. Garden and wild plants play a huge role in sustaining life on Earth; they produce food, they make oxygen, they preserve the soil and they beautify the planet. It’s no wonder that mankind has […]