photo of woman wearing beige dress standing with a dog

Take Your Dog to Work Day

June 19th marks a special occasion for dog lovers in the workplace – it's Take Your Dog to Work Day! This unique holiday encourages pet owners to bring their furry friends to the office, promoting a positive work environment and celebrating the bond between humans and dogs. Let's explore the history and significance of this beloved holiday.


Take Your Dog to Work Day was established in 1999 by Pet Sitters International, a professional pet-sitting organization based in the United States. The holiday aims to raise awareness about the benefits of pet adoption and foster a pet-friendly corporate culture. Since its inception, Take Your Dog to Work Day has grown in popularity, with thousands of companies worldwide participating each year.


Bringing dogs to work offers numerous benefits for both employees and employers. Dogs have been shown to reduce stress, increase morale, and promote a sense of camaraderie in the workplace. Additionally, allowing dogs in the office can attract and retain talent, as pet-friendly policies are increasingly valued by employees.

Interesting Facts:

  • Studies have shown that having dogs in the workplace can lead to higher levels of employee satisfaction and productivity.
  • Take Your Dog to Work Day is celebrated on the Friday following Father's Day each year, providing an opportunity for employees to bond with their furry companions.
  • Some companies go above and beyond on Take Your Dog to Work Day, organizing pet-friendly activities, contests, and even "yappy hours" for employees and their dogs to enjoy.


On Take Your Dog to Work Day, let's celebrate the joy and companionship that dogs bring to our lives, both at home and in the workplace. Whether they're offering a paw to shake or a wagging tail to brighten our day, our canine companions remind us of the simple pleasures and unconditional love that enrich our lives.

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