Miniature Golf Day

Get yourself down to the (tiny) putting green forĀ Miniature Golf Day! A great day out for the family, and an excuse to sharpen up your putting skills all in one fun package. Watch out for the windmill turbines!

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Run it Up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day
Date When Celebrated: Always January 2nd ""Run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes"" is an expression. It means to float an idea to see what people think, or if they notice. The term is commonly used in advertising and print media. Run it Up the Flagpole to See if Anyone Salutes Day […]
International Thank You Day
Be sure to say thank you all day today
Be Heard Day
Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, or other local company who may find it difficult to compete against the large chain stores, or other, bigger businesses? Are you struggling to be heard? Here is your chance to find your voice and shout out your worth on Be Heard Day!For, this day was created for […]
No Beard Day
When : Always October 18th No Beard Day exists so you have a good reason to shave your beard. You've had a beard so long, that you don't know what you'd look like without one. And, your lady friend isn't so fond of it. Today brings the extra incentive you need, to shave it off […]