
Be a Millionaire Day

When: Always on May 20th

Be a Millionaire Day is a day everyone wants to enjoy. Everyone wants to enjoy today as a member of the millionaire club.

Okay, so a million bucks ain't what it used to be. But, it is still a lot of money. I have no doubt everyone reading this would like to join the Millionaire's Club. Then, after reaching it, you can work on your qualifications for the Billionaire's Club.

If you are a millionaire, savor and enjoy the day. If not, we offer a number of ways to participate in Be a Millionaire Day:

  • Review your investments. Look for ways to improve them.
  • Review your investment portfolio with a trusted investment or financial planner.
  • Increase your deposits to your savings accounts.  
  • Start or add to your 401K. This is always a good starting point.
  • Review your spending. Many Millionaires get there by a combination hard work, sound investment, and frugal spending.
  • Go to a casino.
  • When all else fails ,buy a lottery ticket....just one.

Thought for today: "" All I ask is for a chance to prove that money doesn't buy happiness"". Author unknown.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/May/beamillionaireday.htm

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