Renewal Day

When: Always on May 4th

Renewal Day is an absolutely spectacular day. It's a day of new, and old, beginnings.

Things get old and out of sorts. We lose touch with friends, loved ones, and relationships. For whatever reason, we ""let ""it"" go. Well, whatever ""it"" is, today is the day to renew it, rejuvenate it, and bring the spark back into it.

When we think  of ""renewal"", we often think of relationships. We vow our marriage will never get old. But, it does. We swear we will remain close to our parents and siblings. But over the years, we don't. With a hug and a tear, we tell our college roommate we will call and write. All too quickly, the demands of everyday life keep us from calling or writing.  ...get the picture?

Renewal Day is not limited to renewing relationships and social issues. You can also renew:

  • Your nails
  • Your hair color and/or style.
  • Your figure
  • Your harwood floors
  • The shine on your car.
  • Your driver's license
  • A favorite magazine subscription

Gert the picture? Good. Now, get into Renewal Day! 

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All details taken directly from provider content at

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