
Crayola Crayon Day

Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 20th Extraterrestrial Abductions Day is today. Keep one eye on the sky. And, be ready to duck, dodge, and to hide. UFO's may be everywhere, looking to abduct humans. If you are not careful, perhaps they will find you! Of course, there are more than a few people out […]
Coming of Age Day
OriginComing of Age Day is celebrated in the month of January which falls on the second Monday of the month. This day is celebrated as a national holiday, especially for those people who have just stepped into adulthood. This day is special for every person as they move one step ahead of being a responsible […]
One Cent Day
Blueberry Cheesecake Day
Celebrated on May 26, Blueberry Cheesecake Day honors the harmonious blend of tangy cream cheese and sweet blueberries. Originating from a deep-rooted cheesecake history, this day coincides with blueberry season, emphasizing indulgence in this rich, creamy dessert. Enthusiasts enjoy blueberry cheesecake in various forms, appreciating its nutritional benefits and versatility in recipes, making it a favored choice for summer celebrations.