World Tapir Day

space shuttle launch during nighttime
Rocket Day
Rocket Day commemorates humanity's fascination with space exploration and the remarkable achievements of rocket technology. From the launch of Sputnik to the moon landing, rockets have played a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the universe. Take this day to learn more about the history of rocketry and celebrate the ingenuity of those who dare to reach for the stars.
D.A.R.E. Day
D.A.R.E. Day is the day when local law enforcement officers will traditionally visit schools all over the United States spreading the word about drugs, how to avoid them, why they’re bad for you, and the penalties if you choose to become involved with them. Most Americans will remember the special and particularly snazzy car that […]
Cubicle Day
Cubicle Day presents an opportunity for departmentalised office workers to rise above the conformist standards, customise their cubes and announce their individuality. Designed by Robert Propst and known for a complete absence of individuality, cubicles were first introduced in 1967 as a way to subdivide open office space and provide workers with a degree of […]
Marooned Without a Compass Day
When : Always November 6th Marooned Without a Compass Day is today. Which direction will you take today? How is your sense of direction? Do you often find yourself going around in circles? Do you feel hopelessly lost? Do you know where you are? If any of these questions describe your current state of being, […]

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