That Sucks Day

Historically, a lot of bad things happen on That Sucks Day, not least of which is that it’s income tax pay day (this is also the day the Titanic sank and Abraham Lincoln died).

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Inconvenience Yourself Day
You know those days when you just can’t be bothered to get out of bed? Well, Inconvenience Yourself Day is not one of them. So, put on your happy face and go out there and be nice! The concept may have originated from Ms. Julie Thompson and it was meant to serve as an incentive […]
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Geek Pride Day
On May 25, Geek Pride Day celebrates geek culture and its eclectic interests from sci-fi to gaming. Initiated in 2006 by Germán Martínez, it coincides with Star Wars' release and Towel Day. The day emphasizes the creativity and community of geeks, highlighting their influence on popular culture and advocating for diversity and inclusion within its community. Events range from comic conventions to themed parties, encouraging everyone to proudly showcase their geekiness.
Granola Bar Day
To honor all those busy times when a small cereal bar helped you make it through a hectic day at work, start celebrating Granola Bar Day right away!Nutritious, yummy granola is typically based on rolled oats full of proteins and useful fibers. It’s been an increasingly popular type of breakfast food since the 19th century, […]
Wear Purple for Peace Day
When: Always on May 16th It's Wear Purple for Peace Day. You'd think that this day originated in protest of a particular war or conflict. Or, perhaps it should have been conceived by the UN, or another peacemaking or peace keeping group. Our extensive research found no evidence supporting the origin of this holiday stemming […]