That Sucks Day

Historically, a lot of bad things happen on That Sucks Day, not least of which is that it’s income tax pay day (this is also the day the Titanic sank and Abraham Lincoln died).

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Backward Day
Shake up the day-to-day humdrum with Backward Day! Try walking backwards, talking backwards, and doing everything the wrong way round.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Hairstyle Appreciation Day
When : Always April 30th Hairstyle Appreciation Day celebrates uniqueness of all styles of hair. It allows us to express our individuality. Each generation of youth creates it's own hairstyles, or come back to style that were popular years ago. We include among the hairstyles, hair coloring and shaved heads. After all, no hair is […]
Cable Car Day
In early 1871 British-born, US resident Andrew Smith Hallidie received the first patent in relation to the cable car, an occasion which is marked by Cable Car Day.Hallidieâ??s design for cable-propelled transit emerged when he witnessed horses falling, and even dying, while attempting to pull cars up San Fransiscoâ??s steep Jackson Street. Fortunately for San […]
bubba gump logo on building facade
Bubba Day
"On June 2nd, we celebrate 'Bubba Day,' a delightful holiday originating from the southern United States. This jovial occasion honors the affectionate nickname 'Bubba,' often used for close friends and family members. Whether it's hosting a barbecue or sharing laughs with loved ones, Bubba Day embodies the spirit of southern hospitality and camaraderie. So, let's raise a toast to the Bubbas in our lives and embrace the joy of cherished relationships on this special day!"

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