Wear Purple for Peace Day

When: Always on May 16th

It's Wear Purple for Peace Day. You'd think that this day originated in protest of a particular war or conflict. Or, perhaps it should have been conceived by the UN, or another peacemaking or peace keeping group. Our extensive research found no evidence supporting the origin of this holiday stemming from these sources.

Rather, we found this day to be a stellar event. It seems some of you out there fear that aliens from outer space consider earthlings to be too hostile (you've got that right). As a result, they have yet to visit or make contact with us. So, some of you (originators unknown) decided to promote world peace by establishing Wear Purple for Peace Day.

The goal of Wear Purple for Peace Day is to make the world a peaceful place and, of course, encourage alien species to make contact with earth.   

Do you want to meet aliens for another planet? Me, too! So, lets all wear purple for peace today.

""I wonder if these earthlings are peaceful!?""

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/May/wearpurpleforpeace.htm

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