
Create a Vacuum Day

When : Always February 4th

Create a Vacuum Day just might leave you in an empty void. We found no factual information or records about this day. So, we can only speculate to its cause..........

Theory #1:  A hard working housewife, frustrated over her vacuuming chores, declared a day to commemorate the chore of vacuuming. The hole in this theory is that the day would likely be simply called ""Vacuum Day"" or ""No Vacuuming Day"". Why include the word ""Create"" in the title? This led us to........

Theory #2: A (mad!?) scientist created this day to celebrate the creation of a vacuum during laboratory work. But, isn't this routine scientific work!? We think so. Therefore, it led us to..............

Theory#3: Someone desperately in need of a simpler life, conceived this day. They wanted to create a vacuum that would suck all of the daily work, chores and clutter out of their life. If only for one day, they would be freed to enjoy the simple life of leisure. Now, here's a theory that really makes sense for today!

However you choose to commemorate this day, we hope it's a good one!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/vacuumday.htm

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