Collect Rocks Day

When : September 16th

Collect Rocks Day is a day to enjoy and add to your rock collection. Ahh, to be a kid again, and have a rock collection. Well, we have good news for you. No one ever said you had to give up your rock collection when you became an adult. We hope you always keep and cherish your invaluable rock collection.

Kids collect rocks because it is a fun thing to do. They even trade rocks among other rock collectors. There are no books on what rocks to collect, or how much each rock is valued at. Rather, rocks are selected for a collection based upon a wide range of attributes. A lot of it is individual appeal. The rock could be big or small, a particular color or range of colors. smooth or rough, or display a unique characteristic. When it comes to rock collecting, beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder (or rock holder in this case).  

Ice Cream Flavor of the Day: Rocky Road

Baby Names for Today: Rock, Rocky, Stone, and if its a girl.... Pebbles!

Have a happy Collect Rocks Day!

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