Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day

Feeling mischievous? Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day gives you an excuse to have some fun or even get revenge by jumping in puddles and splashing your friends (pretty self-explanatory). Don’t forget to wear wellies!

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person holding apple magic mouse
Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day
On August 28, we celebrate Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day, a whimsical occasion dedicated to the fun and playful side of computer use. This light-hearted holiday encourages you to engage in a bit of digital amusement by racing your computer mouse around the icons on your screen. Whether you’re navigating a maze of icons or just enjoying a moment of playful interaction with your computer, this day is all about embracing the joy of technology and taking a break from the usual routine. It’s a chance to have some fun with your digital workspace and enjoy a bit of nostalgia for simpler times in tech.
Write an Old Friend Today Day
Compose and eMail or letter to someone you haven't talked to in awhile
Candy Corn Day
When : Always October 30th National Candy Corn Day is today. Enjoy a handful of this sweet Fall treat. And, what perfect timing. National Candy Corn Day comes just a day before Halloween. That means you can eat plenty of it, before you go out Trick or Treating. Candy corn is enjoyed all year long. […]
International Fun at Work Day
Fun At Work Day is all about enjoying yourself; dress up silly, partake in office-based mischief, or just crank the music up loud while you work!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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