Write an Old Friend Today Day

Compose and eMail or letter to someone you haven't talked to in awhile

Be Bald And Free Day
There’s nothing wrong with having no hair, or a ‘chrome dome’! Be Bald And Free Day is all about being liberated, leaving your hat or wig at home, and facing the world without hair.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bald-and-free-day/
National Nachos Day
Have some Nachos for Lunch today
Look for Circles Day
When : Always November 2 Look For Circles Day  is today. Go forth, in search of circles. We suspect you will find them everywhere. Looking for circles, is a lot like swimming in a round pool. You go round and round. There's a lots of splashing. But, you don't get anywhere. Did you find lots […]
brown metal playground during golden hour
Merry-Go-Round Day
**Merry-Go-Round Day**, celebrated on **July 25**, is a whimsical holiday that honors the classic amusement park ride that has brought joy to countless children and adults alike. This day commemorates the enchanting carousel, with its beautifully crafted horses and cheerful music, evoking nostalgic memories of carefree fun. Whether you take a spin on a merry-go-round, visit a local amusement park, or simply reminisce about childhood rides, Merry-Go-Round Day is a delightful occasion to celebrate the simple pleasures of this timeless attraction.