International Fun at Work Day

Fun At Work Day is all about enjoying yourself; dress up silly, partake in office-based mischief, or just crank the music up loud while you work!

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Garden Meditiation Day
Garden Meditation Day provides the perfect opportunity to achieve inner peace while honoring the essential ties between people and the environment. Garden and wild plants play a huge role in sustaining life on Earth; they produce food, they make oxygen, they preserve the soil and they beautify the planet. It’s no wonder that mankind has […]
Banana Bread Day
In the 1960s, you could pick up banana puree at the market. These days, we know to use up those bananas that have seen fresher days for homemade quick bread. Source:
Licorice Day
If you fancy something a little bit sweet, why not chew on some licorice for Licorice Day. Enjoyed by people across the globe, licorice has a distinctive flavour and is found in many modern sweets.Created by Licorice International in 2004, Licorice Day celebrates the rich history of black licorice. Licorice is extracted from the licorice […]
Notary Public Day
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