Licorice Day

If you fancy something a little bit sweet, why not chew on some licorice for Licorice Day. Enjoyed by people across the globe, licorice has a distinctive flavour and is found in many modern sweets.

Created by Licorice International in 2004, Licorice Day celebrates the rich history of black licorice. Licorice is extracted from the licorice plant and can be used for confectionary, to flavour a drink (licorice tea is a popular example) and also has medicinal purposes.

Some great ways you can share the enjoyment of Licorice Day with your friends and family include giving licorice as a gift, researching the history of the plant and its uses (a great idea for a school project!) and sampling some licorice tea. Its flavour loved by many people, from children to the older generation, so Licorice Day is sure to be a big hit with your family, whatever their ages.

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