Humiliation Day

When : Always January 3rd

Humiliation Day is not a day to humiliate someone. Rather, it should be viewed as a time to recognize the negativity of humiliating someone, or a group of people.

Perhaps too many people associate humbleness with humility. So, they think today is a day to be humble. Being humble is good virtue. Humiliation is a negative impression placed upon someone....which is not so good.

Let's all use this special day, to remind us to avoid humiliating anyone for any reason.

Origin of Humiliation Day:

Our research did not discover the originator, nor the reason for Humiliation Day on January 3rd.

We did discover a Canadian Humiliation Day on July1st. This was created in 1923 by Chinese Canadian immigrants in Canada to draw attention to the Canadian governments' ban on immigration of Chinese to the country.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at

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