Make A Gift Day

Dull greeting cards, gift vouchers and last-minute gifts aren’t the most exciting present to receive for Christmas. Go a step further for a friend or family member, and take part in Make A Gift Day by hand-making something for someone in your life. It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, or if it’s not expensive – it’s the gesture that counts!

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brown cattle on open field
Cow Day
Cow Day - June 18 Honoring the humble and hardworking cow! Facts About Cow Day June 18 is Cow Day, a day to celebrate and appreciate cows and their contributions to agriculture, food production, and culture. Cows play a vital role in many societies, and Cow Day is a time to recognize their importance. The […]
World Food Day
More Herbs, Less Salt Day
When : Always August 29th More Herbs, Less Salt Day promotes use of healthy herbs over salts. Late August is a very appropriate time to celebrate this special day. The harvest of garden herbs is at a peak. There's nothing better than fresh garden herbs in your favorite recipes., the creators of this day, […]
Card Playing Day
Card Playing Day falls a few days after Christmas, when everybody needs a bit of a break and a wind-down. What better way to relax and spend some time with family and friends than by playing a game of cards?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at