National Holidays

National Flannel Day
Happy National Flannel Day! Celebrate with your favorite lumberjack! Please leave this field emptyOh hi there đź‘‹ It’s nice to meet you. Sign up to receive weekly holidays in your inbox. We don’t spam! Read our Privacy Policy for more info. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription and thank you for […]
Make a Friend Day
Make a Friend day is the perfect way to break out of the overworked and just plain stressed out state of mind. We are busy leading such hectic lives, we barely have time for ourselves, much less maintaining old friendships. Whether old or new, friends serve an important role in our lives. Friends are our […]
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is in recognition that everyone spills a little milk now and then. It's a day to  be optimistic, think positive, look on the bright side, and to find something good in everything that happens. As the song says: Don't Worry, be Happy! Today is a day to recognize that […]
Satisfied Staying Single Day
“No one to walk with, but I’m happy on the shelf”, sang Fats Waller. If that’s you, there’s a perfect day to celebrate. And you don’t have to be “through with flirting”, either…Seen by many as the antidote to Valentine’s Day, the international day of the singleton may be a strange occasion to mark. But […]
Get Out Your Guitar Day
Take cover! Yes that’s right, someone has officially granted all the doleful Dylans and hopeful Hendrixes a whole day of their own to pull their axe out of the attic, dust it off and, if you’re lucky, find someone who can tune it.So when did you first Kum By Yah guitar? Time goes by so […]
White Shirt Day
White Shirt Day marks the end of a union strike by employees of General Motors in 1937. Commemorate their fight for fairer working conditions by wearing a white shirt!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Inventor’s Day
If you have an idea, don't tell anyone, today everyone is trying to invent something
Peppermint Pattie Day
Chocolate and mint is a ubiquitous combo, but there’s still nothing like a Peppermint Pattie. Taste them again — or indulge with these candy-inspired treats. Source:
Darwin Day
He gave us the theory of evolution, today is his special day
Plum Pudding Day
Plum Pudding Day is dedicated to a mouthwatering treat that, surprisingly enough, contains no plums! In the 17th century when it was first created, plums were referred to as raisins or any other type of dried fruits. Plum pudding (aka Christmas pudding) is a steamed or boiled pudding usually served during the holiday season. Plum pudding is […]
Tortellini Day
There's a debate on where tortellini originated, but most Italians agree its filling must include a blend of prosciutto, mortadella and Parmigiano-Reggiano. Source:
Stamp Collectors Day
If you are a stamp collector review your collection, if not, start one
Madly In Love With Me Day
Ladies, every year on the day before you lavish the significant other in your life with all your love, step back and prepare by focusing as much attention on yourself.Yes, you deserve every bit as much of your love as does the object of your affections.That is the concept behind Madly In Love With Me […]
Get a Different Name Day
Whether youâ??re having a bit of an identity crisis, or simply fancy confusing your friends, Get A Different Name Day is a chance to throw off the shackles of the norm and adopt a new name!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Quirkyalone Day
It might be St. Valentine's Day today, but if you're unattached, indulge and celebrate yourself with these single-serving treats. Source:
Donor Day
Donor Day is a holiday that celebrates all those people who have helped save people’s lives by donating blood, marrow, tissue, and even organs. It’s a holiday that drives home exactly how amazing and giving the human spirit is because it pays tribute to so many people who have donated of themselves, often to help […]
Organ Donor Day
National Organ Donor Day encourages people to sign up to donate their organs. It may save a life. Sure, it is uncomfortable to think of our own death, especially an early one. But, if it was to happen, you could save other lives . So, please consider seriously signing up to donate your organs and […]
Ferris Wheel Day
Ride high, high in the sky (within the constraints of a Perspex box attached to a giant wheel); what better way to celebrate Ferris Wheel Day?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Hippo Day
Bet you didn’t know that Hippo loosely translates to River Horse in ancient Greek. Hippo Day, then, celebrates the third largest mammal on Earth. Why not take some time to waddle in a mud bath, get angry with some tourists, and yawn a lot whilst opening your mouth really-really widely?More Details...All details taken directly from provider […]
Gumdrop Day
Gummy, chewy, tasty sweets are the theme of Gumdrop Day, which presents you the opportunity (or the excuse) to eat as many gumdrops as possible (within reason, with consideration for your teeth, sugar levels and general health)!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
John Frum Day
Every year on February 15th, natives of Tanna Island in the Republic of Vanuatu hold a grand celebration in honor of an imaginary man named John Frum. Villagers clothe themselves in homemade US Army britches, paint ""USA"" on their bare chests and backs, and run a replica of Old Glory up the flagpole alongside the […]
Chocolate Mint Day
There’s something special about the combination of smooth, rich, luxurious chocolate and cool, refreshing, sharp mint. Celebrate this incredible combination on Chocolate Mint Day by indulging in your favourite minty, chocolate treat!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Restaurant Day
A food carnival when anyone can open a restaurant for a day Restaurant Day is a food carnival created by thousands of people organizing and visiting one-day restaurants worldwide. The idea of the day is to have fun, share new food experiences and enjoy our common living environments together. The event is facilitated by a […]
World Whale Day
Giants of the ocean are celebrated on World Whale Day, which aims to raise awareness of these magnificent creatures. The annual holiday was founded in Maui, Hawaii, in 1980, to honour humpback whales, which swim off its coast. It’s the main showcase of the Maui Whale Festival.Every year, crowds flock to the island to join […]
Almond Day
It’s generally believed and agreed by historians (and food historians in particular) that almonds were one of the earliest cultivated foods by mankind. Almond Day celebrates this and all things almond, and rightly so, given their high vitamin E content, their effectiveness at reducing cholesterol levels and helping with weight loss!More Details...All details taken directly […]
Do a Grouch a Favor Day
Have you done a grouch a favor today? If not then it’s likely that no one told you it was Do a Grouch a Favor Day, as doing a grouch a favor is what the day is all about. We all know a grouch at some point in our lives, and it is very likely […]
Innovation Day
Spot a problem, think of a solution, and before you know it you’re innovating! Innovation Day is all about imagining new, better ways of doing things. How will you be innovative?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
My Way Day
My Way Day has been created in celebration of that wonderful phrase “It’s my way or the high way”. The history of My Way Day is unclear but it believed to have been inspired by key events in the world happening because someone had a bold idea and they weren’t afraid to go through with […]
Champion Crab Races Day
Gather-up everyone you know and race your friends on your hands and knees
Random Acts of Kindness Day
There’s no better time to help a pensioner to cross the road than on Random Acts Of Kindness Day. Of course, crossing assistance is only one of the ways that you can show kindness and assistance to those around you – get creative in finding small ways to make a difference and to make somebody […]

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