National Holidays

Cold Cuts Day
Cold Cuts Day is the day upon which anything and everything related to cold cut meats are celebrated. Noboday really knows where the celebration of such an essential part of the human diet (and fridge essential stocks!) came from, but frankly, it’s as good an excuse as any to get down with the Joey from […]
Mulled Wine Day
It remains unclear who proclaimed Mulled Wine Day, but this hot beverage deserves to be celebrated for its global popularity. We can thank the ancient Romans for having spread the recipe across their colonies. Just like modern-day Italians, their ancestors couldn’t stand average quality wines, so they invented mulled wine as an efficient way to […]
I Want You to be Happy Day
Date When Celebrated: Always March 3rd ""I Want You to be Happy Day"" is an unselfish day. Its a thought that we wish upon others that we care for or love. Celebrate today by doing more than wishing someone is happy. Do something to make others happy. It can start with an Ecard that will […]
Peach Blossom Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 3 Peach Blossom Day is a day to celebrate peach blossoms, and for girls to celebrate being girls. Does that sound a little confusing or complicated? Read on......... The attributes of peach blossoms include: pretty, delicate, dainty, and sweet smelling. These are all feminine traits. As a matter of […]
International Scrapbooking Industry Day
Celebrated all over the world, International Scrapbooking Industry Day is the day when lovers of memories, paper, photos and glue come together to celebrate this immensely popular hobby.Scrapbooking is all about preserving memories whether they’re in paper, photo or letter format, or even items such as pressed flowers from your first date, ribbons from chocolates […]
Grammar Day
Celebrate Grammar Day by crossing your I’s, dotting your T’s, and making sure that you’re correctly punctuating and structuring your sentences. Watch those apostrophes!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
International Book Day
Start reading a book today.
Pound Cake Day
It is said that pound cakes can be traced back to at least the beginning of the 18th century and to commemorate this sinfully delectable delight, Poundcake Day is now celebrated each and every year. Every year, countless thousands of those with a bit of a sweet tooth memorialise this delight by baking their own […]
Holy Experiment Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 4th Holy Experiment Day is a day to try something religious. It is a chance to try something, or ask for something, and to measure the results. There are a lot of things that can be viewed as religious or holy experiments. Some examples could be: Pray for someone […]
Hug a GI Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 4th Today is a day that we all can embrace. It's ""Hug a GI Day"". Give a great big hug to any and all GIs you see today. The men and women in our armed forces deserve our thanks and appreciation. GI's perform an invaluable service to our country. […]
Employee Recognition Day
Every year on March 4 is Employee Recognition Day so be sure and thank your employees today.
Bridge Players Day
Get out the cards and play some Bridge. If you don't know how to play, then today is your chance to learn.
Cheese Doodle Day
While cheesy cornmeal snacks can be enjoyed all year round, they are best enjoyed on Cheese Doodle Day. While there are many variations on the snack food, which is made by puffing and baking cornmeal and then coating it with cheese, the most popular are Cheez Doodles. These are produced by Wise Foods, who began […]
Absinthe Day
Absinthe has been a beverage celebrated by artists and aristocrats for centuries, so it should only make sense that fans of this “green fairy” are eager to take part in a holiday simply known as Absinthe Day.Touted for its innate ability to inspire such writers as Ernest Hemingway and Oscar Wilde (to name but a […]
Multiple Personality Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 5th Multiple Personality Day is an opportunity to get in touch with yourselves. Someone with a split personality has two personalities. Someone with multiple personalities has more than two personalities.  Its a psychological disorder that we hope none of our readers have. Don't be surprised to find yourself surrounded […]
White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
What can make cheesecake even better? Making it from chocolate, of course! There’s no better dish to dedicate a day to celebrating – especially if that involves eating it. Whoever decided to start White Chocolate Cheesecake Day must have been a big fan of this tasty dessert.While you might expect cheesecake recipes to have originated […]
Frozen Food Day
When : Always March 6th National Frozen Food Day celebrates all those yummy foods and snacks in your freezer. Sure, the invention of the freezer made this day possible. But, the methods and techniques of  preparing and freezing foods is what makes frozen foods taste great, look great and store in a frozen state until […]
Doodle Day
Release your inner artist on Doodle Day, a celebration of all those idle sketches you make while on the phone, or in boring meetings. These scrappy drawings are recognised each year on their very own day of celebration, so free your creative spirit and take a sketchpad to your next meeting!Doodle Day became a worldwide […]
Fun Facts About Names Day
Fun Facts About Names Day encourages you to learn about the historical meanings and influences behind your name and the names of your friends and families. Uncover historical and religious influences, who you were named after, and see how name trends have changed over generations!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Middle Name Pride Day
Whether it be Horton, Eunice, or that special family name that’s been passed down for the last five generations, your middle name is part of defining who you are, and where you fit in your own family. Celebrate your middle name in all its guts, glory and finery on Middle Name Pride Day!It may embarrass […]
Be Heard Day
Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, or other local company who may find it difficult to compete against the large chain stores, or other, bigger businesses? Are you struggling to be heard? Here is your chance to find your voice and shout out your worth on Be Heard Day!For, this day was created for […]
Cereal Day
Cereal (at least, in terms of breakfast cereal) is a surprisingly modern invention. Dating back to colonial America, cereal has become an incredibly popular way to start the day. Why not celebrate Cereal Day by trying a new breakfast cereal!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Black dog napping in the morning sun with snowy mountains as a backdrop!
Napping Day
National Napping Day, celebrated on March 10, is a tribute to the power of rest. Born from the need to recover lost sleep after daylight saving time, this day reminds us that naps are more than a luxury—they’re essential for health, productivity, and well-being. Take a break; you deserve it.
Crown Roast of Pork Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 7 You certainly must be kidding, right!? National Crown Roast of Pork Day... Why you ask? Well, frankly, we do not know. And, why not just Roast Pork Day? Why does it have to be a crown roast pork?  What we do know, is that it is National Crown […]
Peanut Cluster Day
Many foods have their own special day, and the humble peanut is no exception. Peanut Cluster Day celebrates all that is delicious and unique about the peanut. Strictly speaking not a nut but in fact a variety of bean, peanuts were originally cultivated from plants native to Paraguay, and have been enjoyed as an addition […]
Proof Reading Day
Take some time and re-read everything you write for Proof Reading Day – better to get it right than to have to go back through and fix your mistakes!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Farmer’s Day
If you are a farmer, today is your day
Be Nasty Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 8th It's Be Nasty Day! There's naughty days, and nice days, and all sorts of goodie gumdrop days. So, it stands to reason that there will be a few negative type of days. This is one of them. We hope you do not celebrate this day, and that it […]
Organize Your Home Office Day
Home offices are more commonplace by the year, and today one in four American households have one. You don’t have to be self-employed or work from home to have a home office; it can be used simply for sorting through bills, finances, documents and all those other fun things that we love saving for a […]
Unique Names Day
Do you have any friends who have unique names? Take a moment on Unique Names Day to consider the fact that they have to go through life without ever sharing a name with a famous celebrity, being presented with personalised merchandise at fares, zoos and events, and to probably have to spell their name to everybody they ever meet.Then […]

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