Human Light

HumanLight is a Humanist holiday celebrated on December 23. Like Kwanzaa, HumanLight is a modern invention, created to provide a specifically Humanist celebration near Christmas and the northern Hemisphere's winter solstice. It was established by the New Jersey Humanist Network in 2001.[1]

Humanists have cast HumanLight as a celebration of ""a Humanist's vision of a good future."" They celebrate a positive approach to the coming new year, generally through the lens of Humanist (and particularly secular humanist) philosophyâ??secular as opposed to religious. The December 23 date allows HumanLight to connect itself to the December holiday season without interfering with other winter holidays which many Humanists may also celebrate.[2]

HumanLight began with a single event in Verona, New Jersey in 2001.[3] In 2006, there were twenty American events listed on the holiday's homepage, and the American Humanist Association became HumanLight's first national sponsor. In 2007, the first HumanLight celebration outside of the U.S. took place in Chester, England.

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