Life given you lemons? Sourest Day is the day to shout about it. Reserve the right to be grumpy, irratable and sour about the world and everything in it.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Quilt shops don’t get anything like the recognition they deserve for the vital role they play in supplying quilts. Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day aims to change all that by bringing people together, in their local quilt shop, to celebrate all things quilty.Let’s face it, a quilt shop is so much more than just […]
On May 23, people celebrate Lucky Penny Day, embracing the superstition that finding a heads-up penny brings good fortune. Originating from ancient beliefs in magical coins, the day honors serendipity and life’s small joys. Activities include searching for pennies and appreciating their symbolic meanings of hope and resilience.