East Meets West Day

When : Always April 25th

It's East Meets West Day.... time for a few introductions.

Many kinds of sports team hold annual East vs. West games. Most often, its held by high school sports teams. It does  not have to be limited to sports teams. It could be any club or organization that holds competitions, and can be geographically separated into and east and west groups.

These special games usually serve a number of purposes, including:

  • for charitable benefits
  • Sports booster club
  • to honor and/or showcase the best players of the season

Celebrate ""East Meets West Day"" by holding an East Meets West game or competition. Participate or attend one of these games, if possible.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/eastmeetswestday.htm

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