Everything You Do is Right Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 16th

Everything You Do is Right Day just might be a perfect day. Life is filled with ups and downs. Some days are good days. Some days are bad days. Most often, there's both good and bad in any given day. You take lifes ups and downs with a grain of salt. Every once in a while, a day comes along where everything you do goes well.....the perfect day!

Today is just the opposite of yesterday- - Everything you Think is Wrong Day. Sure, there is more than subtle differences in interpretation and meaning of the two days. But, you get the picture. Today is going to be your day... a good, errr make that great day!

We hope everything you do goes right today and every day.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/March/everythingrightday.htm

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