Chocolate Mint Day

There’s something special about the combination of smooth, rich, luxurious chocolate and cool, refreshing, sharp mint. Celebrate this incredible combination on Chocolate Mint Day by indulging in your favourite minty, chocolate treat!

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woman kissing cute fluffy spotty cat
Hug Your Cat Day
On June 4th, feline lovers around the world celebrate Hug Your Cat Day. This day encourages cat owners to show appreciation for their furry companions by giving them extra cuddles and affection.
Poultry Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 19 Poultry Day celebrates chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume. Chicken and turkey are lower in fats, and cholesterol than other meats, making it better for your health. They also give you your breakfast eggs. Celebrate Poultry Day with eggs for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch, […]
Compliment Day
When : Always January 24th How nice of you to visit our site today. I can see by your choice of websites, that you are an intelligent person. You are a kind and inquisitive person. I love the way you...... Yes, its Compliment Day. Today is a great opportunity to say something positive about the […]
Memory Day
Uh…what day is it again? Oh yes, that’s right – Memory Day! Celebrate the amazing gift of your memory – before you forget and the day is over! Why not try one of those on-line brain games to test your memory skills? Or devise your own test at work – cover your eyes and try […]

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