Drink Wine Day

A glass of wine a day keeps the cardiologist away, or so they say. That may be the reason there is such a thing as Drink Wine Day, but whoâ??s to say we needed a reason to gurgle down a glass of our favourite zesty Bordeaux, anyway?

Well, whosoever thought of proclaiming a Drink Wine Day certainly pleased the gods and one in particular, Dionysus, or Bacchus to the Romans, god of merry making, wine, theatre and ecstasy. Whatever the vintage of the one youâ??re sipping as we speak, make sure you share it, because today is a â??wine and dineâ?? day. In fact, you can leave out the â??dineâ?? part because wine is said to be such a strong aphrodisiac, and red wine in particular, that your beloved will surely forgive you. In fact, letâ??s raise a glass to the French for the hard work theyâ??ve put into making us more lovable. Santé!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/drink-wine-day/

Bubblegum Day
Bubblegum Day is all about eating bubblegum to raise money for charity. Great fun for kids, and a way to help out a good cause; just remember not to swallow too much, and to dispose of it cleanly!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bubblegum-day/
Innovation Day
Spot a problem, think of a solution, and before you know it you’re innovating! Innovation Day is all about imagining new, better ways of doing things. How will you be innovative?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/innovation-day/
photo of a person putting black pepper into a pot
Pepper Pot Day: A Taste of Revolutionary History
In our modern world of abundant food choices and instant meals, Pepper Pot Day offers a moment to appreciate the creativity and resourcefulness of our ancestors, and perhaps to consider how we might apply similar principles of innovation and adaptation to our own challenges.
woman wearing silver tiara
Tiara Day
Celebrate Tiara Day on May 24, a whimsical holiday honoring the elegance and sophistication of tiaras, traditionally worn by royalty and synonymous with luxury. This day coincides with Queen Victoria's birthday, reflecting on tiaras' historical significance as symbols of power and divine authority. Embrace your inner royalty by adorning a tiara, reflecting on its craftsmanship, symbolic meaning, and capacity for self-expression. Revel in the regal splendor and make every day a crowning achievement.

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