Do a Grouch a Favor Day

Have you done a grouch a favor today? If not then it’s likely that no one told you it was Do a Grouch a Favor Day, as doing a grouch a favor is what the day is all about. We all know a grouch at some point in our lives, and it is very likely that we’ve had phases of being grouchy ourselves. Sometimes another person doing us a favor is the last time, but other days a favor from someone, be they a close friend or a random stranger, is exactly what we need to break us out of our slump. Of course, there may not be any redemption for the grouchy neighbor who hates your dog, and your mailbox, and the way your lawn mower sounds, and the color of your house and…. Well, you get the point. Even if you have that person for a neighbor, doing them a well meaning favor would not go amiss on Do a Grouch a Favor Day.

Origin of Do a Grouch a Favor Day

This day might have been the brain child of Big Bird, in an attempt to pull Oscar the Grouch out of his continual grumbling spirit, or it may have been the secret initiative of a grump who secretly wants people to do nice things for them, despite their prickly exterior. Whatever, the ‘grump’ has been a stereotype character since stereotype characters were invented. Even ancient Greek plays feature a grump character archetype to amuse those of us who have a sense of humor and are not resigned to a grouchy fate.

Celebrating Do a Grouch a Favor Day

Depending on the nature of the grumps in your life it might be possible that observing Do a Grouch a Favor Day will be no chore for you at all. However, even if the grouch in the cubicle next to yours is insufferably nasty, do a Grouch a Favor Day is still an excellent opportunity to surprise them with a favor of some description, whether it be an outstanding act of kindness or just a smile and kind response to one of their cynical comments. Even the foulest mood can be improved by a kind word or action, and whether you feel like it or not going out of your way to do a favor for a grouchy person is the theme of Do a Grouch a Favor Day. Allow me to wax Nike and say “Just do it”? Maybe the grouchy neighbor across the street is not really a terrible human being and is in fact just lonely. A smile and wave might just cause the glare to fall off their face and be replaced by a reciprocated smile, even if just for a moment.

If you’re unwilling to reach out to a grouch, or simply do not know a grouch (lucky you) than Do a Grouch a Favor Day may be just the excuse you needed to flop onto the couch and turn on your favorite Sesame Street episode (we know you have one) and enjoy the shenanigans of the Grouch. Alternatively, if you can stomach Christmas films without becoming grouchy yourself, than classics such as A Christmas Carol, or The Grinch who Stole Christmas, might prove to be right up your alley.

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