Nothing Day

National Nothing day is celebrated on January 16th every year. Celebrating National Nothing Day is quite as simple, it is a day for nothing. To describe anything more about the day is anyways going to contradict the dayâ??s purpose.

This day was first practiced way back in 1973 by newspaperman Harold Pullman Coffin. The goal of the day is ""to provide Americans with one national day where they can just sit without celebrating, observing, or honoring anything."" Coffin found that the special interest groups were laying claims on dates of the calendars so very often that it has become sort of cliché. He felt the need of a day when people should stop thinking about the formalities of the world around and only focus on themselves. So, was born the National Nothing Day in 1972. It was a year later in 1973 on January 16th that the day was celebrated.

There have been other activities that have been listed for the day. But somehow people like the light-hearted approach of Coffin towards the day more than anything.

However, there has been no evidence so far that would suggest that Nothing Day is a ""national"" day, for declaring any day as a national day requires an act of congress.

More about National Nothing Day

Some intellectuals claim that National Nothing Day is nothing but promoting laziness. But that is not true. Psychologists are of the opinion that it is a healthy option sometimes to abstain from everything and focusing on the world within. It may be an uplifting experience for the mind, body and soul.

National Nothing day is about doing nothing, in other words, even not observing the day. However, different people have their different ideas of doing nothing, as â??nothingâ?? is anyways a relative term. Some may feel that their idea of doing nothing is lolling on the sofa and watching movies all day while some others may feel  playing video games all day means just chilling out and doing nothing. Whatever you feel like doing, you are free to do on that day, the main ideal being, treating yourself to an event-free day. Wake up late, stand near the window, watch the birds, take a stroll to a scenic park and enjoy the day. The day is about noticing the things around you which you have never found time to. Though National Nothing day just comes once in a year, some psychologist are of the opinion that having a Nothing Day once a month is very much needed for a sane mental health in todayâ??s busy lifestyle.


Whatever you are going to do on the day, make sure to unwind and make it count for yourself. This is a day solely for yourself, and for nothing and no one else around you. Switch off your mobile, stay away from the computer and television and hide that to-do list. Enjoy the day until another day arrives again the next year. 

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