Marzipan Day

Love it or hate it, marzipan plays a big role during the festive period. Chances are youâ??ve got a fair bit left over (including toppings of Christmas cakes and treats), and youâ??ll need something to do with it. Marzipan Day is all about exploring this sweet, yellowish paste of ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites as an ingredient and getting creative. See what you can make!

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Hoagie Day
When: Always on May 5th National Hoagie Day was created to give us a special day to enjoy and celebrate a big, tasty hoagie.You know of this big sandwich as a hoagie, a sub or a hero. And, it's a regular on most diets in America. People eat them for lunch, dinner, and even as […]
tilt shift lens photography of yellow and black bee
Don’t Step on a Bee Day
Don't Step on a Bee Day on July 10 is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of bees in our ecosystem. Bees play a crucial role in pollination, helping to sustain our food supply and biodiversity. This day serves as a reminder to be mindful of these tiny but mighty creatures and to take steps to protect and preserve their habitats. Join the movement to save the bees and celebrate their vital contribution to our world on Don't Step on a Bee Day.
Opposite Day
Don’t celebrate Opposite Day by not doing everything the right way around. Behave exactly as you wouldn’t on a normal day, and undertake tasks in a straight-forward, back-to-front manner.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Beat Up a White Kid Day
Beat Up a White Kid Day is the colloquial name for racially motivated attacks occurring on May 1stin which Negroes, Mestizos, and other people of color randomly seek out European American (Caucasian) children and attack them. The phenomenon was first publicized by Cleveland, Ohio newspapers in 1993 following the national appeal for calm by Rodney […]

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