Our Wacky Holidays

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World Whale Day
Giants of the ocean are celebrated on World Whale Day, which aims to raise awareness of these magnificent creatures. The annual holiday was founded in Maui, Hawaii, in 1980, to honour humpback whales, which swim off its coast. It’s the main showcase of the Maui Whale Festival.Every year, crowds flock to the island to join […]
Restaurant Day
A food carnival when anyone can open a restaurant for a day Restaurant Day is a food carnival created by thousands of people organizing and visiting one-day restaurants worldwide. The idea of the day is to have fun, share new food experiences and enjoy our common living environments together. The event is facilitated by a […]
John Frum Day
Every year on February 15th, natives of Tanna Island in the Republic of Vanuatu hold a grand celebration in honor of an imaginary man named John Frum. Villagers clothe themselves in homemade US Army britches, paint ""USA"" on their bare chests and backs, and run a replica of Old Glory up the flagpole alongside the […]
Gumdrop Day
Gummy, chewy, tasty sweets are the theme of Gumdrop Day, which presents you the opportunity (or the excuse) to eat as many gumdrops as possible (within reason, with consideration for your teeth, sugar levels and general health)!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Hippo Day
Bet you didn’t know that Hippo loosely translates to River Horse in ancient Greek. Hippo Day, then, celebrates the third largest mammal on Earth. Why not take some time to waddle in a mud bath, get angry with some tourists, and yawn a lot whilst opening your mouth really-really widely?More Details...All details taken directly from provider […]