Hippo Day

Bet you didn’t know that Hippo loosely translates to River Horse in ancient Greek. Hippo Day, then, celebrates the third largest mammal on Earth. Why not take some time to waddle in a mud bath, get angry with some tourists, and yawn a lot whilst opening your mouth really-really widely?
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/hippo-day/

Blah Blah Blah Day
Sometimes it seems as if everyone is a critic. Are you fed up with your nearest and dearest suggesting you lose weight, give up smoking or paint that ceiling? Or, even if nobody is hounding you, are you all too aware that you’re putting off until tomorrow things that should have been done yesterday?If any […]
Inane Answering Message Day
Answering messages tend to be a little dull, ranging from mobile network defaults, to the classic, “Sorry, John’s not here right now… please leave a message after the tone”. Liven things up on Inane Answering Message Day by getting creative, funny or silly with your message!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/inane-answering-message-day/
Look Alike Day
When : Always April 20th Oh Boy! It's Look Alike Day. Time to look like somebody else.....copycat. Today's a day to find someone you really look up to, and try to look like them. Start with the hair. Cut and style your hair, as needed,  to look like the person you've selected to look like. […]
Common Courtesy Day
Politeness and consideration for others abound on Common Courtesy Day. Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, hold doors open for others, and consider the feelings and perceptions of those around you throughout the day.