December 21st, 2017

Look on the Bright Side Day

When : Always December 21

Look on the Bright Side Day is today. We hope you see the light. Literally looking on the bright side may be a bit difficult today. It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. And, December days tend to be cloudy. However, we're going to be optimistic, and fully expect you to succeed.

Look on the Bright Side Day is a day to be optimistic. The term itself is an optimistic one. It calls upon us to look for something positive, out of an otherwise bad or sad situation. Often, a bad experience has positive lessons to be learned.  

If you have a bad day yesterday, look on the bright side.... today is another day, and an optimistic one at that!

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Flashlight Day

Date When Celebrated : Always December 21

Don't be left in the dark on National Flashlight Day. The basic requirement  for this day, is a flashlight and good batteries. Flick the switch, and you can put anything into your spotlight.

We'd like to shed a little light on this special day. National Flashlight Day arrives on Winter Solstice, which is the shortest day...and longest night.... of the year. ""Watt"" that means, is that there's lots and lots of darkness. With all of those dark hours, your flashlight is apt to get a good workout.

You never know when you will need a flashlight. National Flashlight Day is a good day to make sure you and your family know where the flashlights are. Test each flashlight, to be sure the batteries are good. When in doubt, replace the batteries with new ones. It is also a good idea to put a flashlight in your car.

Did You Know? The flashlight was invented in 1898 by Joshua Lionel Cowen. However, this wasn't his greatest invention. He also invented the Lionel train.

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Humbug Day

For many people, Christmas can be an incredibly stressful time of year. Coping with the pressures of shopping for gifts and planning events and parties whilst embracing the holiday spirit can be a lot to ask! Humbug Day encourages a controlled venting of all that stress before Christmas so that you can enjoy the festive season to the fullest.

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