
Hagfish Day

Hagfish are widely believed to be one of the world’s ugliest living creatures, made even more repugnant by their production of viscous slime as a defense mechanism. Hagfish Day aims to promote understanding that in nature, beauty isn’t everything – and that in fact, the Hagfish is a highly evolved and specialised creature worthy of respect.

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Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

When : Always October 21st

National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day celebrates a delicious Fall dessert. In October, pumpkins are literally glowing. So, why not put two of your favorites together.....pumpkins and cheesecake!? They make a great dessert. They are both nutritious and healthy.

Its easy to enjoy this special day. Go to a cheesecake store or bakery, and buy a pumpkin cheesecake. Or, better yet, make a homemade pumpkin cheesecake. It's fun and its easy. Here is a a Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe to try.

Have a happy National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day !!

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Count Your Buttons Day

When : Always October 21th

Count Your Buttons Day is today.  Aren't you excited!? The very first question you must be asking is ""Why!?"" Well, we don't know why. And, it might be better that we don't know.

So here it is, staring you in the face. A wild and wacky day with absolutely no history to define it's purpose for being. One might suggest that the creator of this wacky day, was himself a bit wacky.

How do you celebrate this day? We suggest that if you have nothing better to do, you start counting your buttons. Otherwise, you may choose to move on with your life to something (anything) of greater importance.

Have a happy Count Your Buttons Day !!

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Babbling Day

When : Always October 21th

Blatherskites, mark this day on your calendar. For today is Babbling Day. This isn't a day to remain silent. Tell everyone you know about this special day.

What's all the chatter about over this special day? Well, on Babbling Day, we celebrate those of us with a glib tongue. You know them when you hear them. They're talking gibberish. They never stop talking. They babble on and on. They can turn a simple one sentence statement into an endless dissertation.

Spend this day babbling like a baby, if you must. As for me, I will spend it by a babbling brook.

BTW: In case you didn't know, a ""Blatherskite "" is a person who babbles.

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Information Overload Day

Did you know that over 25% of your work week is sucked away by distractions, email, and over-information? What would you do if you had that time back? On October 21, we take a pause to mark the annual Information Overload Day, and seek solutions that will bring back that productivity. What will YOU do to mark this occasion?
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