October 29th, 2024

Internet Day

Marking the anniversary of the first usage of the Internet to send a message electronically, way back in 1969. Let’s not draw attention to the fact that the system crashed half way through sending it, though…

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/internet-day/

Oatmeal Day

Hermit Day

When : Always October 29th

Hermit Day is today. It's a quiet day to spend quietly in seclusion, all by yourself.

For some people, being a recluse is a way of life. They spend everyday by themselves, in peaceful seclusion. For whatever reason, Hermits prefer living away from the crowds and the sea of humanity. For many of us who lead an increasingly busy lifestyle, the idea of being a ""Hermit for a Day"" is very tempting. The thought of getting away from it all, even if for just one day, is very appealing.

If you are a Hermit, celebrate your lifestyle today. If you're one of the many, who yearn for a break from your hectic lifestyle, be a Hermit on this day. Chill out by yourself where no one can find you.

Spend this day in a secluded area or environment. May we suggest you do so with a good reading book. We hope that no one interrupts your the calm and serenity.

Have a happy, secluded, quiet, and peaceful Hermit Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/October/hermitday.htm

Cat Day

Cat Day encourages the celebration, worship and adoration of cats, in the same way that human cultures have since the dawn of civilization. Why not adopt and look after a rescue cat, or simply spend some quality time with your favorite moggy to celebrate?

Don't forget to give your cat a treat!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cat-day/


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