August 21st, 2017

Spumoni Day

Spumoni is a layered, Italian ice cream dessert which includes cream, fruit and nuts, and is celebrated on Spumoni Day. On Spumoni Day (and indeed in general) it’s considered bad taste to spoon Spumoni, and necessary in fact to slice it. Spumoni has made quite a cultural and geographical journey in recent years, from its birth in Naples to be more commonly eaten and enjoyed in America and Argentina.

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Men's Grooming Day

There’s a lot of stigma around male grooming. But in today’s society it’s simply not acceptable to be scruffy, smelly and unkempt. So catch up, men! Men’s Grooming Day encourages men everywhere to buy and use grooming products, and to proactively manage their apperance. Salons, hairdressers and beauty parlours often cater especially to men on this day with offers, education and special consideration.

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