August 17th, 2024

Sandcastle Day

Get out to the beach and build a sandcastle

When is National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day?
We can't actually figure out the actual date for this holiday.
Some calendars say it's the 17th, some say the 18th and some say the 19th.
August 17 is Sandcastle Day?
August 19 is always Sandcastle and Sculpture Day?

What is this Holiday for?
To honor and enjoy the fun of building a sandcastle.

Origin of this Holiday?
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day.
This holiday is referred to as a "National" day.  However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day. Even though we didn't, this is still a holiday that is publicized to celebrate. So have fun with it and celebrate it!

What is a sandcastle?
A sand castle is a type of sand sculpture resembling a miniature building, often a castle. The two basic building ingredients, sand and water, are available in abundance on a sandy beach, so most sand play takes place there, or in a sandpit.

Thrift Shop Day

Though thrift shops have been generally replaced with discount department stores in modern times, the intent behind Thrift Shop Day still applies – save money and be economical by purchasing second-hand, repaired or simply cheaper products. Clothing, furniture and household goods are great examples of products which you may be able to find and purchase cheaply from thrift shops or discount stores.

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