August 13th, 2024

National Filet Mignon Day


Filet mignon is the star of the show on August 13 as people across the country annually celebrate National Filet Mignon Day.

* Filet mignon is French for âcute filletâ or âdainty filletâ. *

* In French, filet mignon may be called âfilet de boeufâ, which translates to beef fillet in English. *

* When found on a French menu, filet mignon may also refer to pork rather than beef. *

Usually from a steer or heifer, a filet mignon is a steak cut of beef taken from the smaller end of the tenderloin of the beef carcass.

The tenderloin from which the filet mignon comes from, is the most tender cut of beef and is also considered the most desirable and therefore the most expensive.

Filet mignon is commonly cut into 1 inch to 2 inch thick portions, grilled and then served as is.  When found in grocery stores, filet mignon is already cut into bacon wrapped portions.  The usual method for cooking the filet mignon is to cook it on high heat by either grilling, pan frying, broiling or roasting.   Restaurants may sometimes prepare the fillets served in a cognac cream sauce, au poivre with peppercorns or in a red wine reduction.

Due to the low levels of fat found in the fillets, bacon is often used in cooking.  The bacon is wrapped around the fillet and pinned closed with a wooden toothpick.  Flavor is added from the bacon and this process keeps the fillet from drying out during the cooking process.

Today, enjoy a nice evening with a delicious filet mignon meal, together with friends and family. 


within our research, we were unable to find the creator of National Filet Mignon Day, an âunofficialâ national holiday.

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